Saturday 27 April 2013

About Us

Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing great today. Its a beautiful Saturday morning here in Jos and am wishing you a fantastic weekend.
Ok! They say charity begins at home, that is why i will be telling you about us,We Impact Nigeria Group(WING).
WING is a group of young dynamic Nigerian youths whom are discontent with the situation of the country in all most spheres of our country and are contributing to making it better. We are especially concerned for the less- privileged in our society; the orphans, dropouts, young children forced into labour and into adulthood before there time. We believe, to have a 'healthy' and secure Nigeria, these set of people must be catered for.
The group started of by visiting orphanages, then we discovered an OVC(Orphaned and Vulnerable Children's) centre run by a young lady in Tudn Wada area of Jos, and we decided to support her work by helping her raise more funds to cater for the 131 kids under her care. Then on the 14th of February 2012, we organized a Love party for the kids to celebrate them and tell them that we love them. It was so great, the children had so much fun, had so much to eat,drink and take away. from 2012 party
We repeated the same thing this year in another Children's centre called Gidan Bege in Gero village, in Jos South local government area in Plateau state. from2013 party(Toast to love)
Only this year, we decided its not enough to visit and party with these children, we should begin an empowerment programme too, so we collaborated with Shimshi Fashion House here in Jos to train a girl in Hair dressing and make-up.  She has started her training already, at the end of which we would get her the necessary things she needs to start her own salon. We also look forward to training more under privileged kids in skill acquisition.

Note: If you are reading this, and you are involved in any work that is creating positive impact in people's lives and the society, pls email: or  so we can celebrate you. Thanks

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